ImageWork: A Complete Guide to Working
with Transformational Imagery:
The Audios of the Scripts
These audios represent all of the ImageWork scripts in ImageWork (Part Two, pp. 145-310)
Voice: Dr. Dina Glouberman
Recording, engineering and original saxophone music: Adrian Northover
All the audios include a relaxation, the exercise, a counting up, and reflection and are invaluable for anyone wanting to experience and to guide ImageWork exercises. Whether or not you want to use these professionally with clients or group members, it is always necessary to have your own experience of an exercise before you can guide anyone else successfully.
The page number in ImageWork of each script is given next to the audio of that script to enable you to easily move between them.
Because imagery is used for a variety of purposes and by a variety of practitioners, the ‘scripts’ have been divided into three categories, depending on whether the purpose is Healing, Creative, or Transcendent.
Healing Imagination Exercises (Healing scripts 1–12, pp. 173–219) address the resolution and healing of imbalances, problems, conflicts, disharmony or illness on any level of the mind, body, emotion or spirit.
Creative Imagination Exercises (Creative scripts 1–10, pp. 229–261) address visioning the future, engaging the will, following through with life changes, practising a skill, solving problems, and exploring issues that arise in our lives
Transcendent Imagination Exercises (Transcendent scripts 1–10, pp. 275–307) are about connecting to a larger context or a spiritual reality, aligning with one’s purpose, finding the balance of a middle way, healing our relationship with life and death, and reaching acceptance and inner peace.
It is possible to buy and download individual audio files, the sets of the Creative, Healing or Transcendent exercises, or the complete set of 32 audios:
| Price: |
The audio of any one exercise. | £3.00 |
The audios of all 12 Healing or
all 10 Creative, or all
10 Transcendent Imagination exercises. | £20.00 each |
All 32 exercises. | £30.00 |
Sets of audio files
Please note: these files contain multiple audio files and are large. They and may take some time to download, depending on your broadband speed.
All Healing Imagination Exercises
Healing scripts 1–12, pp.173–219, address the resolution and healing of imbalances, problems, conflicts, disharmony or illness on any level of the mind, body, emotion or spirit. 12 audios, total length: 303 minutes.
Price: £20.00
All Creative Imagination Exercises
Creative scripts 1–10, pp.229–261, address visioning the future, engaging the will, following through with life changes, practising a skill, solving problems, and exploring issues that arise in our lives. 11 audios, total length: 211 minutes.
Price: £20.00
All Transcendent Imagination Exercises
Transcendent scripts 1–10, pp.275–307, are about connecting to a larger context or a spiritual reality, aligning with one’s purpose, finding the balance of a middle way, healing our relationship with life and death, and reaching acceptance and inner peace. 10 audios, total length: 223 minutes.
Price: £20.00
All Healing, Creative and Transcendent Exercises (33 in all)
All the audios for the exercises in the ImageWork book. Note: in order to reduce the size of the download file, you will be sent links to three separate files. Please download each of them. There are 33 audios with a total length of 12 hours, 17 minutes.
Price: £30.00
Individual audio files
Please note: some of these audio files are quite large and may take several minutes to download.
Healing Imagination Exercises
Healing 1 - Image as Life Metaphor
You invite an image that represents who you are or what you need to know, and expand the story into present, past and future. One of the most popular of the imagery exercises, use this when you or your client want to know what is going on under the surface and how to move beyond it. Length: 27 minutes. (ImageWork,p.174)
Price: £3.00
Healing 2 - Transforming Relationships
To improve relationships where there may be confusion, lack of understanding or unresolved issues, you talk to someone or something you have a problem with, switch roles, take a third position of someone who can love, understand and respect both of you, and finally come to resolution. This process can have a remarkable effect on your ability to understand, accept, forgive or transform. Length: 34 minutes.
(ImageWork, p. 182 )
Price: £3.00
Healing 3 - Saying goodbye, Saying Hello
This is a conversation with someone or something you need to say goodbye to. It is about letting go of someone or something that is no longer in your life, or dealing with bereavement, rejection, resentment, guilt or loss, It can be adapted to say goodbye to people, animals, things, places or life stages. This is an opportunity to honour the past and say a full goodbye so that you can say a full hello to a new life. Length: 37 minutes. (ImageWork, p.187)
Price: £3.00
Healing 4 - Befriending the child within/Healing the Past
You invite an image of an inner child to emerge, introduce yourself to them as the adult they will become, talk to the child, work through your relationship, make some agreements and plan to spend time together in future. This helps to foster better self-care, and a better relationship with the child in you. It also helps you to understand and heal beliefs and emotions that originate in childhood. Length: 21 minutes. (ImageWork, p.192 ).
Price: £3.00
Healing 5 - The House of Healing
When you are seeking to understand any health problems, and to heal on any level, whether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual, take this opportunity to visit your own House of Healing, meet a consultant/healer, and find out what is your wounding, what is your worst illusion and your deepest truth, and what new choices you can make. You can also go back to your House of Healing anytime for more help. Length: 28 minutes. (ImageWork, p.198 )
Price: £3.00
Healing 6 - Image in the Body
This is a profoundly healing experience that involves clearing images held in the body resulting from past experiences and decisions from childhood, and introducing a new image in the body that can lead to new decisions. It is very powerful for healing stress-related physical problems as well as persistent emotional problems. Length: 26 minutes. (ImageWork, p. 202)
Price: £3.00
Healing 7 - Overcoming Extreme Fears of the Future
To heal fears of the future, you invite a picture of your most feared future, and then transform the picture of your future self feeling helpless and hopeless into one where the future self is confidently dealing with the situation. You do this by viewing the future self with compassion for their pain and respect for their magnificence. This is remarkably powerful even with extreme fears. Length: 24 minutes.
(ImageWork, p. 205)
Price: £3.00
Healing 8 - Dreams as Turning Points
To help you discover the quality you need so as to have a turning point in your life, you work with a dream in various ways and discover what quality the dream character would need for the dream to end well. Then you see how that quality would make a difference in your everyday behaviour, attitudes and choices. Length: 21 minutes. (ImageWork,p.208 )
Price: £3.00
Healing 9 - Taking Back your Power
To deal with feelings of being powerless, judged, looked at, or over-dependent, you imagine your own energy or power as rays coming out of the top of your head whose ends are stuck in someone or something, and you pull them back into yourself and breathe them in. This is a very brief but very effective exercise that can be done anywhere and anytime. Length: 26 minutes. (ImageWork, p. 211 )
Price: £3.00
Healing 10 - The Group Garden
This exercise is for a group or a team and involves creating a shared group garden by inviting everyone to share aloud what they are imagining until a shared picture is created. It can be a group or community building exercise, can be used as a starting point for other exercises, and can also be visited by group members after the group in order to reconnect to the experience. Length: 16 minutes. (ImageWork, p. 213 )
Price: £3.00
Healing 11 - Inner Child exercise (Brief)
This brief and safe exercise is used to centre yourself quickly when child emotions have taken over and you need to get in touch with your adult resources. You invite an image of an inner child, find out what is going on with them, listen and give love, and then, when the inner child has relaxed, you are free to focus on what you need to do as an adult. This is quick and adaptable to do in any situation. Length: 9 minutes. (ImageWork, p. 215)
Price: £3.00
Healing 12 - Inner Male and Female
This is an opportunity to invite images of your inner male and inner female, meet them, and have a healing conversation between you as (non-gendered) Self and inner male and female. This can work on many levels--to heal your relationship with your inner maleness and femaleness, to free creative resources that have been blocked by one aspect or the other, to invite you to deal with your relationship with men and women and others in your life, or to explore your inner archetypes of male and female, or animus and anima as Jung called them. Length: 34 minutes. (ImageWork, p.217)
Price: £3.00
Creative Imagination Exercises
Creative 1 - The Space and Time Ship
CreaCreative 1. Space and Time Ship: A wonderful visioning exercise where you pilot a Space and Time ship off the face of the earth, and then on to two futures, one happy and one unhappy, and look back and see how you got to each. Then you choose. The general format can also be adapted and used by a group/community/team to vision the future of the project or of the group. This is the most popular of the visioning exercises I use. Length: 38 minutes. (ImageWork, p. 230)
Price: £3.00
Creative 2 - The Crossroads
To vision your future, especially when you are facing a choice point, you walk the path of your life and come to a crossroads, try out different paths or roads, see yourself five years later and ten years later on each path and send a message each time to the person back in the present moment. You can also get an aerial view of how the paths relate to each other. You then come back to the present and choose your path and take your first three steps. Length: 29 minutes. (ImageWork, p. 235).
Price: £3.00
Creative 3 - Visioning the End of the Day or Event (Brief)
To set a focus for the day or for an activity, you imagine two possible ends of the day or the event, one happy and one unhappy, then choose which you want and see how to get there. This is a brief exercise that can be done every morning to set a focus for the day or before every challenging event. It can make a real difference. Length: 12 minutes. (ImageWork, p.238)
Price: £3.00
Creative 4 - Five Steps Back, Six Forward ( Brief )
This brief visioning exercise can help you get a wonderful sense of your trajectory from the past into the future. You take five steps back landing in a past memory, then slowly take five steps forward, each with a memory scene until the present, and then on into the future with a sixth and even seventh and eighth step. An important theme in your life tends to emerge, and often a clear picture of how your future continues this theme. Length: 15 minutes. (ImageWork, p. 240)
Price: £3.00
Creative 5 - The Bubble
A great exercise to help you reach your goals, this process enables you to engage your will, sort out the attitude you need, ask for help for that which goes beyond your conscious mind, and start to move towards your goal. You put the picture of the future or the change you want in a bubble, check out your willingness to do what needs doing and yet surrender if it doesn’t work, blow the bubble into the domain of potential waiting to be actualised, follow with an affirmation or invocation and take three steps towards the future. This is an all-purpose follow-up to any visioning or life change exercise, or to use on its own. Length: 14 minutes. (ImageWork, p. 242)
Price: £3.00
Creative 6 - The Magic Cinema
To achieve a goal or a life change you find difficult, you choose a specific goal, and sit in a private cinema to see a film of yourself as you are now, send the present person love and appreciation, and then see a film of yourself after you’ve made the change. You step into the second film to find out what it is like to have achieved the goal and how you got there, and to get help from an expert and a supporter. Then you can choose if you still want to achieve this change, and if so, set it into motion. Length: 30 minutes. (ImageWork, p.246)
Price: £3.00
Creative 7a - Walking Through Walls
To overcome obstacles and fears about a life change that may feel like a wall you can’t get through, you imagine a solid wall and then walk through it, and see what it is like on the other side. Through doing this, you discover what it takes to walk through a seemingly impenetrable wall. Length: 5 minutes. (ImageWork, p.250)
Price: £3.00
Creative 7b - Jumping off Cliffs
If the life change you seek feels unknown and frightening, as if you were stepping off a cliff, you imagine a cliff and then step off it and find out what happens. Amazingly, the result is always safe and reassuring. Length: 4 minutes. (ImageWork, p. 250)
Price: £3.00
Creative 8 - Getting Practical
To sketch out the steps to the project or goal you want to achieve, you create a time line that starts now and ends where the project is finished. Then you literally walk on it to find out what are your big steps and smaller substeps. You even get to the end and celebrate your achievement. Then all you have to do is carry it all out! Length: 14 minutes. (ImageWork, p. 252)
Price: £3.00
Creative 9 - The House of Time or Money
To understand and heal difficulties with time or money, you visit your House of Time or House of Money, have a conversation with the House, meet a consultant/healer, draw from the Well of Illusion, sit on the Throne of Truth, and go away with a gift. This is a powerful learning and healing experience. Length: 29 minutes. (ImageWork, p.255)
Price: £3.00
Creative 10 - Consultation with the Best Advisor in the World for You
To connect with your own resources and inner wisdom, you have a session with an inner advisor who specialises in whatever you need help with.You imagine sitting opposite you in a chair the best advisor in the world for the issue you are dealing with, and you switch roles with the advisor to experience being both client and advisor. It is remarkable how much of what you “know but haven’t told yourself” you can access by becoming your best advisor. Length: 21 minutes. (ImageWork, p.260)
Price: £3.00
Transcendent Imagination Exercises
Transcendent 1 - Mind, Heart and Soul (Brief)
To understand and decide holistically about a challenging situation or choice point by taking account of all levels of your being, you find out what your mind says, your heart says and your soul or light says. This is brief and powerful. Length: 9 minutes. (ImageWork, p.276)
Price: £3.00
Transcendent 2 - The Golden Path between the Opposites
To let go of positive and negative stories you are stuck in, and find a path that offers a direct experience of the present moment, you imagine two mountains with two opposite attitudes and a golden path down the middle. You walk around the mountains talking to yourself as you do when you have that attitude, and then do a walking meditation down the golden path, and find out what it’s like to be in the now without a story about yourself or about life. This is a mindful and illuminating experience of finding a middle way. Length: 14 minutes. (ImageWork, p.278)
Price: £3.00
Transcendent 3 - Meeting a Wise and Loving Being and a Shadow Being
To have a wisdom experience and also find the light and shadow that are aspects of you, you climb two mountains, and meet both a wise and loving light being and a shadow being, each on a different mountaintop, and learn from both. The shadow being represents what you dislike, deny, or repress, and many people find the shadow being even more helpful than the wise being. Length: 36 minutes. (ImageWork, p.281)
Price: £3.00
Transcendent 4 - Forgiving Life, Forgiving Death, Beginning again
To uncover and heal the deeply held attitudes you have towards life and towards death, you have a conversation first with life and then with death, and end by forgiving and accepting life and death, and also forgiving and accepting yourself. You also get to look beyond death and see what you see. This can enable a new beginning. Length: 39 minutes. (ImageWork, p.284)
Price: £3.00
Transcendent 5 - Living at the Centre of Your Life/The Boat
This exercise helps you challenge your beliefs about what you cannot do without, and find out who you are without it all and what is really important. You imagine your life space as a boat, choose the 5 most important people/things in your life, and then you throw them out to find out how it is to be completely alone and centred. Then you can invite back whatever you choose, if you do. This is especially great for people with a tendency to burnout. Length: 27 minutes. (ImageWork, p.289)
Price: £3.00
Transcendent 6 - The House of Truth
To get to a level of truth beyond denial, confusion and false beliefs about life in general or about a specific situation, you visit your House of Truth, meet your Consultant/Healer, draw from the Well of Illusion, sit on the Throne of Truth, and find out more about how to live in a way that is aligned with your truth. Length: 28 minutes. (ImageWork, p.292)
Price: £3.00
Transcendent 7 - Tuning Into Others
To help people to feel seen and understood on a deep level, and to find out what their deeper self is whispering, you can invite images for others by sending out your antenna or switching seats with a client to sense what is going on below the surface—what they know but haven’t told themselves. You can also tune in to whoever or whatever you meet, like statues, objects, or natural beings, and ask a question and get an answer. Length: 29 minutes. (ImageWork, p.296)
Price: £3.00
Transcendent 8 - Facing Death, Choosing Life
To understand death, your own but also that of others, and also to find out what you need to do in order to live a long and happy life, you imagine that you have only a week to live, explore what happens before and after death, and then get another chance. A sobering but ultimately joyful exercise. Length: 18 minutes. (ImageWork, p.300)
Price: £3.00
Transcendent 9 - Where am I and Where do I want to be
To get a sense of who you are, where you are going, and how you can get there, you do five free drawings, entitled Where Am I? Where do I want to be? What’s stopping me? What do I need to get past this? and What is my True Nature? Very quick, illuminating, and accessible. Length: 6 minutes. (ImageWork, p.302)
Price: £3.00
Transcendent 10 - Morning Meditation and Visualisation
This is a “one-stop shop” of a meditation that will help you: to align together mind, body, emotion and soul; get a wisdom message; feel grateful for another day of being alive; visualise the day ahead and what approach to take; and send love. It is rather life changing when done regularly because it gives a whole new sense of how to meet your day. Length: 17 minutes. (ImageWork, p.304)
Price: £3.00
All Healing Imagination Exercises
Healing scripts 1–12, pp.173–219, address the resolution and healing of imbalances, problems, conflicts, disharmony or illness on any level of the mind, body, emotion or spirit. 12 audios, total length: 303 minutes.
Price: £20.00
All Creative Imagination Exercises
Creative scripts 1–10, pp.229–261, address visioning the future, engaging the will, following through with life changes, practising a skill, solving problems, and exploring issues that arise in our lives. 11 audios, total length: 211 minutes.
Price: £20.00
All Transcendent Imagination Exercises
Transcendent scripts 1–10, pp.275–307, are about connecting to a larger context or a spiritual reality, aligning with one’s purpose, finding the balance of a middle way, healing our relationship with life and death, and reaching acceptance and inner peace. 10 audios, total length: 223 minutes.
Price: £20.00