The Janus Years Programme
Dates in 2025: to be decided. Please contact us if you want to be notified about courses.
Facilitators: Dina Glouberman, Ph.D, Stewart Mitchell, MPhil.
The Janus years are the years, often around what is called mid-life but not necessarily, when you have achieved a measure of success or fulfillment in your life, but are beginning to suspect that all is not completely well, and consider that there may be a need to to review the past, understand where you are now, and revision the future so that it is more in line with the person you have now become.
This course will support you to negotiate the Janus Years more comfortably, productively, and wisely and to take charge of your life in a new way. It will offer you skills in imagery and visualisation, bodywork, health management, and voice work to take home with you into your life as well as a new map of the territory of your life.
The programme which includes one day sessions, weekends, and individual consultations is designed to help you to take a cool look at how your life is going and to acknowledge where it is working for you, and where it is not resonating with the whispers of your heart and soul. It’s an opportunity also to use the experience and wisdom you have gained in your life to look back, honour and appreciate what what has brought you to this point, to see where you are now, to vision a future that offers you whatever it is you have been missing, and plan your next steps.
This review and revisioning can apply to any area of life, including work, family, and other relationships, as well as give you a map of your life situation as a whole and where it is leading.
Continuing participant-only support groups will also be set up.
Further details will be posted here. Or express your interest on Contact Me, and we will add you to the mailing list.
Bios of Course Facilitators:
Dr. Dina Glouberman: please go to Who I am and What I do.
Stewart Mitchell B.Phil. is a Naturopathic practitioner with over 30 years experience in Europe, the USA and India. Now resident in Zurich, he maintains a practice and self-help programme – the Naturopathic Gym – for individuals and organisations. A frequent keynote speaker, Stewart is the author of three best- selling books on well-being, The Healing Power of Nature, The Healing Power of Touch, and Yoga Shastras. Stewart is also a former restauranteur and his business acumen contributes to his approach. In his experience, symptoms of stress or disorder are undercover agents for reform; managed sensitively, we emerge physically regenerated and spiritually renewed.